I was reading Stephen Cleary’s A New Pattern for Exception Logging blogpost and the True
and False
methods caught my eye and I wanted to write them as “oneliners”.
I wanted to know how is the top-level statements feature in C# 9 handled and what’s actually produced. Although I originally planned to do just a quick test and the look at the IL, I kept testing the feature more and more.
Almost exactly a year ago I was sitting in a restaurant after vpn服务器美国 conference with my ↹ over ␣ ␣ ␣ shirt facing Olia Gavrysh, Program Manager at .NET team in Microsoft. And she mentioned how she liked the shirt (and that vpn服务器美国, another Program Manager in .NET team would like it too (maybe that was a sarcasm)) and that I should make the shirt available for buying.
Almost five years ago I wrote post Removing explicit default access modifiers (Roslyn analyzer and codefix) and it was a great exercise and I still prefer to have code without all the private
, etc. noise. But also nowadays Visual Studio supports all sorts of code style rules via EditorConfig file. Can I teach Visual Studio to actually suggest removing explicit default access modifiers?
Tentokrát tu mám jednu pozvánku na akci, kterou si můžete trochu netradičně naladit na svých přijímačích ráno a udělat si společně s mou maličkostí informacemi nabitý start dne ve vašem homeofficu. Jedná je o akci “Raňajky s GOPASom: Optimalizácia v .NET (jednoducho a isto)” tento čtvrtek od 9:00.
电信疯了!限制国外网站 然后收费 - · “开了精品网不等于你能翻墙上fb、youtube之类,但你连接到海外vpn服务器的速度和稳定性都大大提升了。 ... 美国 男子持刀闯入军事基地被击毙 海豹 ...
Online akce teď na WUGu jedou a vypadá to, že se nebude polevovat. Takže, aby data tekla a linky se žhavily, připravte routery 2.6.2024 od 17:30 na WUG. Povíme si něco o tom co je Azure Front Door a tak okolo.
Today was a crazy – rollercoaster like – day. Let me tell you all about it even though it’s about 7 o’clock in the evening now and I’m very tired. I feel like this clown on my daughter’s desk.
高管搭讪女性偷拍淫秽视频在境外网站出售:为好玩 ...:2021-5-24 · 那么91porn又是一个什么样的网站呢?经侦查,这个网站的服务器在美国 ,网站的主要管理人员也都在境外,但拍摄淫秽视频并上传网站的多数是境内 ...
Starting tomorrow, for two days, the Cloud Developer Days is going to be held online. And it’s free. I was lucky to have two sessions selected and I hope to meet you on chat.
I miss good old email. You know the tool that anybody can reach you at, you can use any tool you want and basically can do anything with it yourself.
Let me give you bit of “messaging” history from my own world and I’ll circle back to email at the end.
Zlepšite si svoj zdrojový kód pomocou Roslyn-u (KROS Dev Meetup #3)
Vypadá to, že místní svět si na remote spolupráci zvyká a přizpůsobují se i konference a jiné akce. Nezahálí ani KROS Dev Meetup a v jeho třetí edici tam povím něco o možnostech zlepšování kódu pomocí Roslynu. Takže si nezapomeňte přidat do kalendáře 19.5 v 18:00. Kromě mě, bude jestě druhá přednáška na téma “Automatické End-to-End testy”.
Firebird 3 added support for transaction ID to go over, originally, 231 and later 232, all the way up to the 248. Although a great improvement it might become a problem if the client library can’t properly handle that in a few places where these numbers are surfaced.
Gopas TechEd 2024 (online)
Situace zrovna konferencím nepřeje, ale každoroční TechEd bude a bude online, a víceméně už za týden. Připravil jsem dvě přednášky (jednu společně s Vladimírem Mužným).
FbNetExternalEngine 4.5 released
FbNetExternalEngine version 4.5 is released. This version contains improvements around Management procedures.
WUG: Co je ten Span<T> zač a proč by mě to mělo zajímat (online)
Když už teď IT, webkamerky a mikrofony drží pro většinu lidí soustruhy v chodu, tak proč nezkusit něco online i v rámci WUGu… V úterý 21.4.2024 od 18:00 si zkusíme povědět něco o relativně novém datovém typu Span<T>
工信部:未经批准不得自行建立或租用VPN开展跨境 ...-国际在线:2021-1-23 · 国际在线报道:工信部日前发布了关于清理规范互联网网络接入服务市场的通知,通知决定未经电信主管部门批准,不得自行建立或租用专线(含虚拟专用网络VPN)等其他信道开展跨境经营活动。通知称工业和信息化部决定自即日起至2021年3月31日,
FbNetExternalEngine version 4.1 is released. Although it might look odd having another release so close after the previous, it’s not a bug-fix release. In fact when I released 4.0 I knew 4.1 is probably going to happen soon after. The reason is, I had some performance optimizations prepared, but didn’t had enough numbers to safely put into production. Now I have.
I’m now going through piece of SQL code that contains a lot of stored procedures from over the years and lately also functions (in last year the migration to Firebird 3 really began) and looking into the code to identify functions and procedures to start the rewriting with using FbNetExternalEngine. I’m at the beginning, but I have some interesting piece I’d like to show.
FbNetExternalEngine 4.0 released – .NET Core support and performance
vpn服务器美国 version 4.0 is finally here. This version contains one significant feature and that’s migration to .NET Core.
Comparing disk speed of various disks and VMs in Azure
For an estimation and planned move of some resources to Azure, I had to do comparison of various VMs and disks. It’s not meant to be exhaustive with all possibilities. Just some numbers one can compare.
Improving list sum function based on head and tail with C# 8
Some time back I wrote about Head- and Tail-like methods in C# (and F# and Python and Haskell). For some strange reasons I came across the Sum
method I wrote there and I thought maybe I can rewrite it with switch expression now available in C# and have a nicer looking code. I mean I’m a big fan of succinct (yet still readable) code. But I had no idea what a journey it will be.
Azure Functions billing in the absence of function/host key
You might be wondering: “Am I going to be charged when somebody invokes my Azure Function but with wrong or missing key?". Well, some of the attendees on my currently running Azure course had the same question. And I thought it might be worth sharing the answer publicly.
WUG: Jak měřit výkon .NET kódu správně (Praha)
Každý potřebuje občas měřit rychlost kódu, že jo? Někdy pro porovnání dvou různých verzí, někdy v rámci optimalizací. Ale jak to udělat správně. A co to vlastně znamená “správně”? Jestli vás toto zajímá, přijďte 26.2.2024 na WUG.
It was a nice workweek evening and for testing I needed simple HTTP GET endpoint that would send SMS via Twilio for testing of really weird integration in my “home automation”. As fast and as easy as possible. Sounds simple, right? Sadly, my brain being fogged by all the cloud goodness couldn’t see the forest for the trees.
Primary source of water in my house is a water well. That means I have a pump down there and a pressure tank in the house. And I like to keep an eye on both of these. With a little bit of ingenuity and the Fibaro Wall Plug I have a simple DIY solution.
擅自"翻墙"上境外网站,责伖停止联网并警告__中国青年网:2021-3-28 · 昨日,市政府公众信息网发布了修订后的《重庆市公安机关网络监管行政处罚裁量基准》。自2021年7月27日起施行,有效期至2021年7月26日。对故意输入 ...
New version of ADO.NET provider for Firebird is ready for download. This release brings support for Entity Framework Core 3.1 (3.1.1 to be precise), Entity Framework 6.4 and some small bug fixes.
MS SQL’s ISDATE function on Firebird
function that “returns 1 if the expression is a valid date, time, or datetime value; otherwise, 0”. Although I never used it or had a scenario for it, I was porting some code from MS SQL to Firebird and this function was used, hence I had to create it.
WUG: Entity Framework vs. SQL Server – co jste mohli udělat a neudělali; a co jste dělat neměli a přesto udělali (Brno)
Společně s Vladimírem Mužným si už zítra střihneme náš duet s názvem “Entity Framework vs. SQL Server – co jste mohli udělat a neudělali; a co jste dělat neměli a přesto udělali” na vpn服务器美国. A protože je to duet, bude to dvojnásobné množství informací, tak neseďte doma a přijďte.
Struct with “main method” as an entry point
Have you ever thought about the most basic structure of an application? The main method and its placement in Program
Anonymous classes and generics limit in .NET/C#?
Have you ever looked how anonymous classes are implemented? If you did, you know it’s a generated generic class. And if you didn’t, you know now. Either way, you can find more details below. But also building on top of 高管搭讪女性偷拍淫秽视频在境外网站出售:为好玩 ...:2021-5-24 · 那么91porn又是一个什么样的网站呢?经侦查,这个网站的服务器在美国 ,网站的主要管理人员也都在境外,但拍摄淫秽视频并上传网站的多数是境内 ..., where’s the limit here? It surely cannot be higher.
Firebird Conference 2024
华为中兴美国再遭“安全门”_环球网 - · 2021年,华为众200万美元收购美国服务器技术研发公司3Leaf Systems部分资产,美方再打出“国家安全风险”大旗,使华为收购失败。 详细] 环球网简介 ...
What’s the maximum number of generic parameters for a class in .NET/C#?
Pretty stupid question, right? Because if it’s more than, say, 20 or 100, it’s enough. But still. Where is the limit?
FbNetExternalEngine version 3.0 is another step towards more useful .NET execution environment inside Firebird. Version 3.0 contains two significant pieces. The first, new, is ability to execute SQL statements inside the same context (aka transaction) as the currently executing code. The other is performance; there’s always room for performance improvements.
Throwing null literal
“Every” week I discover something new (and I’m not afraid to share it). Today isn’t any different. Apparently, C# compiler is fine with code throwing vpn服务器美国
literal. Yes, it looks weird, but if you think about it, it makes sense. Let me show you.
WUG Days 2024
Už se jen dvakrát vyspíme a bude tu další ročník WUG Days (14.-15.9.).
Hlasováním a odborným výběrem byla vybrána 4 😮 moje témata.
ADO.NET provider for Firebird is ready
New version of ADO.NET provider for Firebird is ready for download. This a small bug-fix release related to wire encryption on Linux.
看破冰行动 了解暗网是张什么网 - · “一是构建针对性的暗网爬虫和搜索引擎,二是使用暗网所有者提供的信息对接手段。从技术实现角度来说,暗网通常采用特定的编码关键词技术,利用‘洋葱路由(Tor)’‘隐形网计划(I2P)’等工具构建‘隐藏的服务器’。”闫怀志说。
Last week I was explaining explicit lazy loading on Entity Framework Core and quite understandably the question came about shortening/encapsulating the code, because you might need to use it a lot in some cases. It’s possible and luckily the method can also benefit from overload resolution in C# to handle reference and collection navigation properties transparently.
ADO.NET provider for Firebird is ready
New version of ADO.NET provider for Firebird is ready for download. The main focus of this release is performance.
.NET DeveloperDays 2024
If you’re not yet registed for this year’s .NET Developer Days, where I’ll be speaking, you’re going to regret it. Here are (my) 3 reasons.
ADO.NET provider for Firebird is ready
New version of ADO.NET provider for Firebird is ready for download. The main focus of this release is wire encryption.
Entity Framework Core’s ultimate escape hatch
In 2007 then Principal Software Architect on Data Programmability team Mike Pizzo wrote in a “random” forum reply about Entity Framework’s vpn服务器美国
being the “ultimate escape hatch”. This was later mentioned in Julia Lerman’s famous book Programming Entity Framework. Just to make sure you understand this archeology (and yes, I spent quite some time digging the reply back – kudos to MSDN forum people keeping it still running), Entity Framework (the first version) was released in 2008.
Friday’s This<T>
Last week on Friday I was working on some code, I don’t even remember what it was, and there was excessive usage of this
. And my personal pet peeve is writing most readable code in most succinct way possible. For sure this
hurts this (no pun intended). The following class is a result of that Friday’s frustration.
ADO.NET provider for Firebird is ready
New version of ADO.NET provider for Firebird is ready for download. This release improves the Entity Framework Core support and Firebird Embedded support.
Introducing D.ebug
Apple Watch ECG心电图功能 地区改成美国就可使用 ...:2021-10-30 · 这个功能仅限于美国使用,并且通过了FDA认证。 美国FDA隶属于美国国务院保健与服务部的公共健康服务署,负责美国 所有有关食品,药品,化妆品及辐射性伒器的管理,它也是美国最早的消费者保护机构。Apple Watch Series 4的ECG功能并不受硬件限制 ...
FbNetExternalEngine 2.0 released – functions and performance
It has been few exciting weeks and days lately and today I’m happy to introduce you to FbNetExternalEngine version 2.0. This version adds support for functions and also improves performance (on top of previous improvements).
FbNetExternalEngine 1.0.1 with performance improvements
Today I’m releasing first small update to the FbNetExternalEngine. The focus is just on performance. No new features were added.
V .NETu se dějou v posledních měsích velké změny. Trochu toho zmatku si srovnáme na WUGu v Košicích 18.6.2024 of 17:00. Tak neváhejte a doražte. Beztak bude pršet a Tatry jsou daleko. 😉
The finally
block has a little unknown feature, that frankly isn’t even remotely needed for regular day-to-day development, but you already know content on this blog is usually little geeky.
Is it better to "!= 0” or "== mask” when working with enums (C#, RyuJIT)
First thing first, I know there’s an vpn服务器美国
method, yet I’m not interested in it (or optimizations around it). What I like to know is whether one of these two ways – (EnumValue & mask) != 0
and (EnumValue & mask) == mask
– to check for a (single value) flag in an enum is better.
Generics, structs and nulls – the JIT is smart so you don’t have to
Few days back I learned geeky little piece about JIT. This is exactly the type of knowledge you don’t have to use, maybe ever, yet it’s crucial the JIT handles it (so you don’t have to), because every smart instruction is performance gained. Literally, every instruction or every CPU cycle counts.
Update Days: Corestart 3.0
.NET Core 3.0 se blíží a s ním i další várka změn a novinek. A protože jde o další major verzi, není toho málo. Tomáš Herceg a jeho team připravili konferenci Update Days: Corestart 3.0, která se koná 6. – 7. června 2024.
Comparing speed of Blob Storage, AppService and CDN on Azure for static file serving
一个神奇的网站:2021-3-23 · 本站文章部分内容转载自互联网,供读者交流和学习,如有涉及作者版权问题请及时与我伔联系,众便更正或删除。感谢所有提供信息材料的网站,并欢迎各类媒体与我伔进行文章共享合作。
Extravaganza using ConfigureAwait, await and await foreach
As I was writing vpn服务器美国 I got some idea to “nest” await
s in the using
definition and make it little bit confusing.
C# 8 is bringing asynchronous disposables via new IAsyncDisposable
and although the basic concept is easy to grasp, other rules of await
ing still apply here. And one of these is the usage of ConfigureAwait
NT konferenca 2024
In less than a month (21st-23rd of May 2024) the biggest Slovenian conference – NT konferenca 2024 – will happen. And I’m so stoked to be part of it with my session about What to expect from Entity Framework Core 3.0 and Entity Framework 6.3.
WUG: Co čekat ve světě .NETu v roce 2024 (Olomouc)
Nový rok 2024 nám začal, a tak nebude od věci se podívat co nás čeká (a asi ani nemine) za novinky a změny ve světě vývoje .NET aplikací na WUGu v Olomouci 25.4.2024 od 17:00. Představíme si praktický dopad jednotlivých novinek z různých pohledů, jejich očekávanou časovou dostupnost i jak se na jejich příchod již nyní připravit.
Global Azure Bootcamp 2024
Global Azure Bootcamp 2024. Jeden den, Azure po celém světě. A taky v Praze. I já přispěju svojí troškou do mlýna a povím vám něco o Azure Cosmos DB.
Cloud DeveloperDays 2024
In less than two months (28th-29th of May 2024) the Cloud DeveloperDays 2024 conference will happen. I was lucky to have two sessions selected and I hope to meet you there.
Web ještě nehlásí vyprodáno, takže je stále možnost urvat vstup. Na letošní TechEd jsem připravil tři přednášky:
- .NET Core 3.0, .NET Framework 4.8 a proč vše kolem je největší změna od zrodu .NETu
- Jak měřit výkon .NET kódu správně
- Entity Framework vs. SQL Server – co jste mohli udělat a neudělali; a co jste dělat neměli a přesto udělali
Using Data Protection in Entity Framework Core with Value Converters
When I wrote the post Using value converter for custom encryption of field on Entity Framework Core 2.1 the encryption there was non-existing. My intention was to show the skeleton. But in comments somebody asked how to wire up Data Protection.
ADO.NET provider for Firebird is ready
New version of vpn服务器美国 is ready for download. This release fills all the holes in the Entity Framework Core support. To be precise now vpn服务器美国 are fully supported and query pipeline has been massively improved. Just to give you an idea, about 4100 tests were added. If you want to use Entity Framework Core with Firebird, now is the time.